Memorial 2023 (04-12-23)


Whew! The Memorial Season is done! Many wonderful experiences have been shared.

We thought we’d share a few interesting statistics about usage over the Memorial:

  • There were connections from every continent, all over the world.
  • Each day would see around 3,000 visits.
  • Saturday mornings easily jump to 6,000 visits or more!
  • Over the past month, the site was visited over 100,000 times all together.
  • This easily represents a large number of publishers served per congregation.

We can also share some of next focus areas for development:

  • Admin / Helpers
    • A top support request we receive is to adjust admin and helpers
    • A current goal is to allow congregation administrators make these changes themselves
    • This should remove the need to send in a support ticket
  • Safari & Mobile
    • Thanks to the metrics, we can see that Safari and Mobile is a huge use of the site
    • A current goal is to continue making improvements to site usability on mobile browsers
  • Map and Report Generation
    • Over the memorial, we saw a large increase in the number of territory and reports generated
    • It exposed some issues that lead to random failures generating maps and reports
    • A current goal is to address these issues and stabilize map and report generation under load

We are hard at work. Please keep in mind that, realistically, it can take time to complete and deliver these features.